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How to get motivated to lose weight?

How to get motivated to lose weight?

It's Monday morning and you've promised yourself this time you mean it. For the next three days, it's nothing but salads, jogging, and protein bars. Then Thursday rolls around unexpectedly and you're plastered to the couch with a tub of Ben & Jerry's. What happened? A lack of motivation, that's what. But don't worry -- if you put your mind to it, you can avoid the yo-yo diet and turn it into a yo-u look awesome diet.

  • Water is incredibly important. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Remember to be realistic. If you have a friend who is unnaturally small and you want to be their size, forget it! Find someone who is similar to your build but is in shape. This will help you a lot.
  • Stay realistic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is no standard of beauty. You do not have to have a certain number attached to you to be beautiful.
  • Don't get discouraged! If you do, talk to your best friend and tell them what you're going through. They will listen and try to help. Do not be self-conscious with the people you love. They love you too!
  • Get a shopping buddy who will not let you buy unhealthy foods, or call someone who can help discourage you from eating that third piece of cake.
  • Don't try out any kind of weight lose supplements first. Do exercise and plan a healthy diet; of course it will take a few months, but the changes are permanent. Hope on it.

Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Motivated-to-Lose-Weight