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Reebok Wellness Marathon 2015

Reebok Wellness Marathon 2015

It has been already fourteen years when we started to bring you the inspiration, motivation and fun together with the world famous instructors. It is going to be same this year on Sunday, June 7 in Prague’s O2 Arena. Everytime the instructors are coming to bring themselves close to you, show you what they know the best and to work out with you. The schedule of this year’s biggest aerobic - fitness - dance party in Europe is going to be awesome! We are starting from 10:00 in the rhythm of Zumba together with The EUROPEAN BETO TEAM consisting of the best Zumba instructors from 20 european countries. These dancers are going to introduce the main star BETO PEREZ, the creator of the world phenomenon ZUMBA. Be ready for a magnificent show! Last year’s biggest hit called TWERK will be this year represented by energetic dancer ANET ANTOŠOVÁ whose workshops are sold out in all Europe. We really appreciate that she is going to perform at the Reebok WELLNESS MARATHON 2015. Next you are going to experience another news - LES MILLS which is an efficient workout presented by PETTER EHRNVALL and his team. Audience sweetheart ALEJANDRO ANGULO with SALSATION won't be missing this year as well. He will prepare for you a great surprise together with DJ ELIER so be sure not to miss it!